What is the difference between Hemp Oil & CBD Oil? Quite a bit, and neither deserve their illicit wrap sheets.
Although hemp has been cultivated on our planet for over 10,000 years (we have references dating back to ancient China and Mesopotamia), it has been heavily stigmatised for the past 80 years.
Industrial Hemp Oil: Not For Stoners
Industrial hemp won't get you high. This strain (Cannabis Sativa) is grown for pure purpose, a bit like a work horse. Hemp flower buds don't contain the same levels of THC as other "recreational" varieties, so they don't have the same psycho-active side-effects.
Although oil from industrial hemp buds won't get you high, they do contain CBD (Cannabidiol), which is the buzzy chemical constituent causing a scene in the health and beauty industry at the moment.
Industrial hemp looks different too. Unlike it's bushy, leafy cousin, Marijuana, it grows in tall, fibrous stocks a bit like bamboo.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in Cannabis plants. It makes up around 40% of the plant's extract. CBD oil extracted from the buds of industrial hemp plants is usually obtained using a liquid solvent (butane, isopropyl alcohol, hexane, or ethanol). The solvent is passed through large amounts of plant matter and it strips out the cannabinoids, the same way a tincturing process would. Then the liquid goes through an evaporation process, which leaves behind a concentrated CBD oil.
Watch This
Here's a really great 8-minute film about industrial hemp. It was filmed on the small, farm in West Sussex where our hemp seeds are grown before they are pressed into the oil that we use across our skin care range.

Your Body Gets It
Your body produces similar CBD substances on its own. These are now known as endogenous cannabinoids, and your system relies on the natural production of them in order to function properly. By the way, in order to make the right amount of endogenous cannabinoids, you need a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, so make sure you eat plenty of healthy foods.
CBD Oil For Stress, Pain, Anxiety
CBD is not like THC, but it can impart a feeling of relaxation and has been shown to help with anxiety and pain management. Personally, I have tried a few brands and have found that it doesn't do anything for my mood or anxiety. But I think that's because I'm not generally in a bad mood and I don't have anxiety or depression or anything like that. What is does help with is my PMS pain. Since using CBD for 5 days every month, my life has totally changed. So, basically I think CBD works on actual problems, as opposed to making a happy, healthy, person even HAPPIER and HEALTHIER, if you know what I mean.
What is Hemp Oil?
Hemp oil is obtained from Cannabis seeds, which are edible, nutritious and delicious. Great quality hemp oil is generally cold-pressed: this involves manually/mechanically crushing the seeds with a press and forcing the oil out. This process preserves the oils’ delicate nutrients and fatty acids. Other forms of extraction will include high heat and chemical solvents. Hemp oil produced this way will have a vibrant olive-green colour, and have a rich and silky texture with a nutty, grassy aroma.
Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil vs Marijuana
Hemp oil contains traces of CBD, but it's not the same thing as CBD oil. CBD is not THC.
Remember, hemp oil = seed oil, CBD oil = extracted from the buds of low THC Cannabis plants (like industrial hemp). Marijuana is Cannabis Sativa's stoner cousin that has been bred over time to yield high levels of THC in the flower buds.
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