How do you know if you are in the process of raising your vibrational frequency?
A lot of emphasis has been placed on spiritual vibration and ascension to a higher consciousness in today’s society. Specifically over the past couple of years. A lot of people I know personally have noticed a difference in the world and what people seem to value, and some are even discussing oncoming life changes based on these new perspectives. No matter what the reason for the growing understanding and acknowledgment of the concept of spiritual ascension may be, one thing is for sure: more people are paying attention than ever before.
There are a lot of different opinions on exactly what it means to ascend spiritually and raise your vibrational frequency – to vibrate on a higher level. Some reference Kundalini, others say meditating on a regular basis will enforce your ascension, and some say that the only way to attain raised vibrational frequency is through a relationship with God. Another interpretation is that the ascension of our spirit is a direct correlation to the ascension of Gaia, or the planet, who is a pagan God in the druid belief system.
Personally, as I typically lean in all of my speculations, my spiritual evolution has led me back to God. Surprising even to me, as I have spent many years philosophising on meditation and broadly worshipping earth mother.
I believed that each of the theories above was absolutely correct in some ways, and lacking understanding or perspective in others – they are all right and wrong simultaneously, but infinitely right for those who accept them to be so and use it to better themselves. But over time, I have come to realise that one cannot cherry pick between The Word of God and pagan gods/beliefs, and expect to grow a clearer understanding of the meaning of life. As I learned more about the origins, rituals and ultimately the history of paganism, I realised this was not the way to raise my vibration at all.
What are the signs you are raising your vibrational frequency?
What signs can we look for to know whether we’re heading in the right direction toward becoming a spiritually minded person? There are a few things which can be observed in our own actions and thoughts that help to define our standing on a raised vibrational frequency.
1. The perception of the existence
The first of these to look for is whether or not you believe your understanding of the workings of the world and the fact that you have ascended means you can hold yourself in higher regard than other people who have not yet awaken; if you believe there is any rationale in condescending thoughts toward others, chances are you haven’t yet started awakening, yourself, and just that you acknowledge there is a God (or higher form of consciousness) which helps us make life better for ourselves and those around us.
2. The perception of yourself
Second, a significant sign of heightened vibrational frequency which we can notice, is based on our understanding of ourselves and the world in which we exist. If you see life as a bunch of sticks, stones, people, and mundane artefacts, chances are you haven’t awoken to the point of opening your eyes to reality, yet. Conversely, if you look out and see yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience and in service to others, notice the beauty and light of all life as observed in absolutely everything, then you’ve likely reached a heightened form of understanding.
3. The perception of other people
A third teller is how we approach interactions with people, particularly pertaining to learning or teaching opportunities. If we approach interactions with our ego in the forefront and have a driven goal to convince them of our perspectives, or to tell them theirs are wrong, we are likely not yet awakening. This isn’t just because being of a higher conscious understanding means we are less hypocritical or less aggressive, but the ability to stop projecting our own negativity on others as well as your focus being on your own growth more than theirs.
4. Love
The fourth observation I’d like to mention is highly important in acknowledging spiritual growth (or relationship with God): you find yourself practicing love and virtue. You understand that whatever is happening in your life can help you to reach a deeper understanding, and no longer expect yourself to maintain a level of “perfection” while getting upset with yourself for not managing it. When we grow, we start to see the world as it is: beautiful and stunningly imperfect, a symphony orchestrated by the higher power. And you, as part of the world (and a child of God), will never be perfect either. To actively practice forgiveness, mercy, compassion, love, and value for all life on earth, is a sure sign that your are transcending to a higher vibrational frequency.
I believe that raising your vibrational frequency is the process of all of these things over a lifetime of learning, including brushing up on history because we can see it repeats often.