Home is your sanctuary and safe space, and with a few simple tips you can keep it that way. Learn how to detox your home in 30 seconds by making a few simple changes to your home cleaning and fragrancing routine.
1) Avoid using synthetic air fresheners and scented candles. Conventional
perfumes and other synthetically fragranced household products contain harmful chemicals recently discovered to be as bad as car fumes. Would you run your car in your home?
Anyone can follow through with our top 3 tips to detox your home. All of which are inexpensive, fast, simple and very effective."
2) Swap out conventional home cleaning products for natural ones. Watch out for greenwashing (when a brand markets their product to look natural, but it's not really eco-friendly at all). Try making your own natural cleaning spray!
This is DIY Natural Cleaning Spray is one I've been making for nearly a decade. It costs £0.67 per refill, and takes 30 seconds to make.
3) Take your shoes off in the house. Shoes are caked with bacteria picked-up as you go about your day, and these can multiply and spread on your carpets and floors.
Did you know your shoes can track in chemicals as well? A study by Baylor University in 2013 showed people who live near asphalt roads sealed with coal tar had an increased risk of Cancer due to the toxins brought into their home by their shoes.
There are other things you can do, including keeping plants in your home, using an air filtration system, and buying organic, non-sprayed furnishings. However, these are costly, somewhat time-consuming, and not practical for everyone. But just about anyone can follow through with our top 3 tips to detox your home. All of which are inexpensive, fast, simple and very effective.
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